Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The simple life

My place back home is a sleepy little town.Theres nothing metro or fab about it.Everything and by everything I mean the restaurants, temples, all gov offices, skools , railway/bus stations,movie theaters even the beach is a max 20 min walk from my home.No malls or shopping complexes mushrooming in the city , no trace of international brands or foodchains, where the local community know eachother by name, and when u make a visit home they sure know how to make you feel special.The people also adds that extra personal touch by unwinding their knowledge base filling you up with stories about u and ur family.It ofcourse is a welcome change from where you come from ..where you are just a face in the crowd.

At home when on a vacation , you are taken seriously too. My timetable is quite royal also. I wake up with coffee served at bed , a stroll in the backyard amongst tall mango trees with my doggie, come back n then breakfast like a king.Watch some TV, lunch , a nap after that or make movie or outing plans with cousins . A perfect example of how simple the life here occurred to me when our doggie ran away with his lease yesterday evening. After an anxious one and half hour later and a two people search party, we found him half a kilometer away .The person who tied him to a tree in his garden expected sum one will turn up for the dog.I even jumped the wall to my neighbors house as part of the dog search :D and today I answered more than a dozen enquiries about my dog while on my evening walk..

You may travel to the end of the world, but theres not many places where you feel at home...and right now i am home :)

1 comment:

kaushik said...

You may travel to the end of the world, but theres not many places where you feel at home...

so apt :)

Enjoy your stay at home....(the only unfortunate thing is, no matter how long your trip is...it always feels too short)