Sunday, May 17, 2009
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'...
So things have not been great . I have not had any fun that counts as FUN in sometime , forgot the last time i got out from my place other than for work. My social life is null. I have no idea where all my friends have disappeared. that is other than the few i lost to holy matrimony , the other few i lost to the united stated of Amrika , the rest so called available are not so available these days . They are all busy with work, bf/gf , stuffs i do not know what. other day i felt like talking to someone and all i could think of was setting my FB status as " feels like talking..a pair of ears missing " but then decided not to go with it sighting unwanted attention. Also I have started ignoring fone calls :|
Weekends are a nice concept , and if you do not have to work on weekends its a blessing .So this weekend ( my work free weekend ) on Saturday i refused to leave my bed other than for the necessities and Sunday made plans with my friend which later she ditched me to go see her BF. since she only managed to see him only once in a week , i didn't throw any of my tantrums. Hence what i was left with was zero plans and also no backup plans. My roomie was going for a Hindi play somewhere and asked me to tag along but i refused for no apparent reason. To make things messier , i called home to a disturbed mom who has the knack of passing on disturbia.its infectious.. so altogether by Sunday afternoon i was in awfully bad sulky mood..
And then by late afternoon it rained, cooling not just the rising mercury in Bglr. I watched the rain through my window for sometime with Sufi music in the background . But being not the kind of person who enjoys rain sitting indoors , I was getting reckless..I have to be in it. so i quickly changed into some rain friendly clothes and slippers which later proved to be not so rain friendly , borrowed my roomies umbrella and ventured out into the rain. By that time the sky was dark with angry clouds and some occasional lighting and thunder.. all the shopfronts were packed with people waiting for the rain to mellow down .The roads were already mucky and the water had bought in all sort of filths to the pavements.And I just walked. The view was spectacular ..Trees swaying in response to the wind and music of the rain accentuated by thunder and lighting , sloppy couples getting cozy in busstops and autos , highly healed ladies looking serious and grave . i walked almost 2 Kms .. and by that time the rain has reduced to a drizzle and the sun was partially out. It all felt like momentary bliss to me , like natures way of telling to a live in the moment and savour it , or no matter how heavy the rain is , how dark the clouds are , the sun comes out eventually :) . Rain is therapeutic ! So since this was a perfect hot chocolate moment , I had to had to have one right there , but restrained from getting into a coffee place all drenched and muddy.Hmmm..
Maybe I should call home and ask my mom to get some rain herself , but yeah, she will not buy it.. For now, I am back to being happy and glad that i walked the walk. :)
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
ICH is an institution in itself , a modest place run by modest people serving modest food to modest and not so modest people, for modest prices! The waiters in ICH dressed in ill fitting once whitish uniforms with an elaborate tall hairpiece or sometimes with the Maharaja kind , spotting red belts gives you the first impression of the menu in store. The menu ranges from dosa items to cutlets to bread toast .ICH is a place where decor takes a backseat , its a place where people does not turn nasty if the orders are placed a second late and where nobody cares about the cheap wooden tables , wobbly chairs and stained tablecloths. The waiters do no look down on you if you just order a coffee and hang around for hours , and they would not judge you by the tip you leave.
As Tom Hanks says in You Got Mail “the whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don’t know what the hell they’re doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self.” This is exactly what ICH is not . You only get coffee there , no frills nothing fancy.Only Coffee , NO confusion! . Its a place reputed to have cultured intellectuals , where people met up to discuss politics, thoughts and where idealisms brewed . As they say a lot did happen over a cup of coffee but not in ac rooms and on heavily cushioned couches.
Back home. theres two ICHs. One in the town and one close to home . We always frequented the one in town though . Its a dilapidated building , a house converted . A very faded green paint adores the walls . One foto of Indira Gandhi and under that a mammoth wooden table welcomes you . From the time i visited the place , theres two plastic containers on the table in front of the cashier who sits on a tall chair . One container has milk sweets and other has Cadburys. If ICHs has a frequent visitor award like airlines have for frequent flier , theres a fair chance that me and my brother would grab it . On usual days our order includes a masala dosa , a veg cutlet and coffee , which i think by now the waiters there know. On lavish days we would order another mutton omelet or a fruit salad . Fruits in the salad has more of bananas which have turned black by being in the cold storage and the cream is full of ice. The real fun is when all of us go there after a temple visit or just an outing . Mindless chatter and Masaladosa!
Its a place trapped in time where all the cigarettes people smoked all these years have clogged up the ceiling and sometimes that time happens it has to make way for the newbies, and we are left only with void if we happen to travel back in time.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Back home though it was a completely different story ..Summer is when it rained mangoes at home , it still does . We would have mango juice, mango jam, mango pickle, mango curry with rice , sweet mango, sour mango , cut mangoes with vanilla ice cream....What Not! .As the day comes to a close we all kids smelled like mangoes .Then there was the much awaited summer holidays when all we ever did was play for hours in the blazing sun , climb trees , jump fences , cycle race in the colony and play carroms or watch horror movies in the night . It was during one summer I had my first crush :D .He was my neighbor's cousin who was visiting and who came to play cricket with us. The crush stayed for exactly one summer until he knocked the front tooth out of our wicketkeeper ( :P ).Again one of the major attractions of summer was the festival in April . This was the time when all the kids made some serious pocket money , all later well spent on badminton balls or ice mithai.
Hmm...I think I am one of those people who is still stuck in the past and craving to be blessed with the same simplicity of childhood.. *Sigh*!
Now when I relive all this to my little cousin sister with some sort of a ridiculous grandmom getup , she raises an eyebrow , lectures me about the zillion bacteria in the mud ,the UV rays from the sun or the pleasure of watching POGO . But I tell you she aint having no fun!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Down with Oscar fever
my half a penny worth of thoughts on the movies goes this way :::
The reader - good movie , great acting. Kate Winslet proved again she knows her craft inside out .I liked the kid too who played the Kid, Micheal .
Benjamin Button - worth "a" watch is a safe bet. I guess the movies intention was to make you feel sorry for the male protagonist , but ended up making u feel bad about Blanchett's character.
Slumdog M - did not deserve the Oscar . all the kids were terrific, very slummy( just coined it) with their demeanor, especially younger Jamaal although Dev Patel did not look the slightest of a slum boy.
Milk - adored Sean Penn. should have won the Oscar hands down.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Celebrating Women's day??Who are they kidding?
I only have to look in and around my family to know that women of today live in different worlds.There are women who enjoy the highest benefits of the society ,status obtained through education and work,respect obtained by being an earning member of the family or lucky enough to be around good people, there are also women treated like shit even though they solely support the family.Two such person I know is my mom and Kamala ,our maid of fifteen years .My mom showed the courage of standing against and breaking off from an abusive marriage.She was strong enough to find a job ,raise me and regain her self respect needless to say life was still hard on her.She to me is the brave face of women.And then there is the dark,lean beautiful kamala. She has an horrendous story to tell , story of a women being vexed by both her husband and her twenty something boy.She gives me a sad smile every time I ask her how are things at home and I do not have anything cathartic to offer her although I wish one day I do.There are thousands of other Kamalas around us, probably the one sitting in the other cube at work or the one who sat beside us in bus today .We will never hear of their stories for most of them do not wash their dirty linen in public or simply because we do not care.
For all these millions of women who seek liberation and happiness , even a heartful laugh is a distant dream for We are not man enough to promise the Kamalas of the world a shimmering light at the end of the tunnel.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
lov u, grandmom :(
A terrible terrible week passed by. An unexpected unwanted visitor at home took my grandmother away from all of us... the pivot that kept everyone together has fallen apart.One of the major influences of my life, the most righteous person I would ever have known has disappeared behind the curtain leaving the stage. I always thot of her as Omnipotent thereby making it difficult for me to comprehend the fact that a terrible thing like death cud touch her . She was never scared of death , but leaving her dear ones behind always petrified her. I have never seen her cribbing about anything or anyone and even in extreme difficluties she always placed her discomfort last. She looked forward to all the festivals and holidays since thats when her grandkids visit, and when we do her face lites up like the sky on a starry nite. Shes gone is known to me as a fact but at the back of my mind I still think if I go to her room she mite still be there , still laughing teasing my brother about his girlfriend...but suddenly in the middle of other things it strikes me that shes gone forever . I wouldnot be able to see her toothless smile anymore , cannot hug or kiss her , cannot listen to her stories from the past and a million other things ...thats when I feel the pain of a thousand needles piercing ..
Life wudnt be the same anymore for any of us...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Political Atyachar...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The simple life
At home when on a vacation , you are taken seriously too. My timetable is quite royal also. I wake up with coffee served at bed , a stroll in the backyard amongst tall mango trees with my doggie, come back n then breakfast like a king.Watch some TV, lunch , a nap after that or make movie or outing plans with cousins . A perfect example of how simple the life here occurred to me when our doggie ran away with his lease yesterday evening. After an anxious one and half hour later and a two people search party, we found him half a kilometer away .The person who tied him to a tree in his garden expected sum one will turn up for the dog.I even jumped the wall to my neighbors house as part of the dog search :D and today I answered more than a dozen enquiries about my dog while on my evening walk..
You may travel to the end of the world, but theres not many places where you feel at home...and right now i am home :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I m loving it!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Humpi was the capital of Vijayanagara empire and later was destroyed by the Muslim sultans.Now Humpi houses the ruins of the empire . Humpi is now a world heritage site thereby drawing aplenty local and foreign crowd.For us it was like a walk through history textbooks, like stepping out of a time machine . Humpi is kilometers and kilometers of realization of India's glorious past, a proof of the golden era.Its monument after monuments of historic importance , a structural showcase of the once great economic and cultural richness of our country. Precisely I would say u have to see it to believe it.
Our trip was for two days and enough to cover all the major tourist spots. We stayed at a guest house , which was at the center of Humpi bazaar, the main street of Humpi.. all other places are easily accessible from here.On our first day in the morning we visited the Virupaksha temple . This is still an active temple and not ruined in any major way. We got a glimpse of the deity and
also got a personal blessing by the temple elephant. Later we visited the monolithic bull temple, and then took a coracle ( after much bargaining we settled for 220 rs for 4 people ) to Vittala Temple. In and around Vittala temple you can find many ruins ,various monuments and sculptures including the famous monolithic stone chariot and Kings balance.By early evening , we returned to Humpi bazaar with a grumbling stomach. We were guided to MangoTree , a restaurant in the middle of vast expanse of greenery, under huge mango trees as the name implies and some mouth watering food were served to us while we sat on a mat on the cemented floor facing the Tungabadra river. The place was abrisk with foreign and western tourist even at that time of the day.After devouring the loverly food , we enjoyed a heavenly sunset sitting on the banks of the Tungabadra ..watching people crossing the river and flocks of birds flying one after the other returning to their nest.In the night under a crescent moon we climbed a mountain which houses more than a dozen mandapas and structures.Standing there we got a top view of Humpi in the night. Later after dinner at a restaurant where a petite waiter (who spoke impeccable French) treated us to King size black coffee ,ginger tea and fired momos, We retreated to our guest house.
On second day , we rented a bike from the bazaar ,as this is the best way to see Humpi .We can also hire bicycles for hourly rates . We visited the underground Siva temple , Saraswati temple , Sasivaleku Ganesha , queens bath , the royal enclosure , Ugra Narasimha and also the Krisha temple, the spectacular pushkarni and also the Kadalekalu Ganesha . By evening we crossed the Tungabadra to the other side of Humpi , loitering around for some time, we ended up in Goan corner, a resturant reached by walking through paddy fields .On one side are huge rocks standing tall and hiding a million tales. This place is a must visit for all Humpi travelers for the hospitality of both the host and their adorable dogs and also for the food. The taste of steak with mushroom sauce from here will linger in my mouth for a long time.
Returning back to the bazaar, we did some lazy shopping and there were quite a lot of interesting things to choose from. The locals of Humpi , be it the shopkeepers or the auto drivers ,are just like their counterparts from any other tourist place of the world, working their charm for some easy extra money. But as my friend commented they have not lost their sense of humor yet and one such auto driver we befriended on our stay there dropped us to the Humpi railway station for our travel back .
They say Humpi is poetry on stone and I refuse to disagree..its a sad but a spectacular one. and a must visit. some pixs from humpi below ..

Friday, January 2, 2009
It ain't no funny business!
The best of the lot is a laugh riot for the spectator . This is of a Christian couple , both belonging to even the same subcaste , everything was going uber cool and smooth with them. Their parents met , relatives exchanged pleasantries , smiled their biggest orbit smile , although you and I know what happened behind the scenes.Dates were fixed for Eng and marriage , halls for the wedding also booked , elaborate plans for shopping were laid out and everybody were in such high spirits. That is when the uncle of the girl a.k.a. the villain of the story made his majestic entrance. He and the girls dad made a visit to the guys house so that the uncle can meet the groom as he have to leave for abroad and cannot make it to the wedding.The uncle while reaching the grooms house , saw that the parents of the groom were fair skinned although the groom is slightly on the darker side and also the dad is fully blind .The smartypants he is the uncle figured out ( don't ask how he came to that conclusion) that if they let the couple marry , their future kids will be blind and ugly !! He also declared that he will end all relation with the girls family if they allow this marriage to happen. Fearing for his future grand kids health and goodluks, bride's dad decided to go the uncle way! The end result of all this hoopla is that the wedding is called off and also the two families have declared war with each other . Now the once-lucky-couple is waiting for both families to drop their weapons and come to senses as they are still dumbstruck with this incredible turn of events.
I for one hope that the couple shed their disciplined , god fearing ..blah blah daughter/son image and do something wild and funny... break out all traditions n end up having a revolutionary wedding. If they do, I sure will be there to witness their union , to raise a toast to the couple!